Gifting Ideas For Kiss Day
Kiss day is celebrated on the second last day before the final day of the Valentine’s Week. The final day of the week is the Valentine’s Day itself. For many couples and other young people in relationships, Kiss Day is one of the most looked-forward-to of the days of the Valentine’s Week. Kiss Day is the day when couples express their love primarily by engaging in a kiss. This is not exactly necessary but usually turns out to be quite the opportunity for couples to get more intimate in their relationships.
The SIgnificance Of Kiss Day
Kiss day is often considered to be one of the most important days of the week of valentine because of the fact that it is one of those days when couples that have yet not been intimate get a chance to do otherwise. The only other day in the whole week of valentine when couples are expected to get any closer physically is the hug day. The hug day occurs on the day next to the Kiss Day and prior to the final day of Valentine’s Week. Still, kiss day is universally accepted to be the day when couples get the closest together. The reason behind this is quite simple yet beautiful. There is no other act of love that is as precious to both the partners as their first kiss. Kisses are an ancient way of bonding that us, humans, have discovered that is extremely passionate.
A kiss also has a lot of symbolic connotations. Kisses, in various religions and various matrimonial ceremonies, are used as a sealing bond of communion. Kisses, therefore have much more significance than a hug or a proposal. Both of these things, that is a hug or a proposal are mere mediums for the final touch that marks any relationship. This being a kiss. Even though not all relationships may consider a kiss as the ultimate notion of commitment, most couples that are even slightly serious about themselves celebrate the Kiss Day with sincerity.
The Idea Behind Gifting On Kiss Day
There are a lot of days in Valentine’s Week that have the theme of giving a gift or present of some kind to the opposite parties involved. Kiss Day has no such explicit messages regarding giving a gift, apart from that of the kiss itself. Yet, this does not necessarily mean that couples shy away from getting gifts for their better halves. Kiss day is one of those days of the Valentine’s Week on which both partners in a relationship give those presents to their loved ones that they themselves want to give. What this means is that the presents need not be themed according to the day of the celebration of the Valentine’s Week. Therefore, Kiss Day not only opens up opportunities for increased intimacy with your partners but also ensures that a day in Valentine’s Week is reserved for you to express your desires more materially than sentimentally, without the theme of the day coming in your way.
Kiss Day- The Happiest Day In A Couple’s Life
Kiss Day can be the happiest day of many a couple’s lives. But there are people who might not be around with their lovers and partners on this day. Kiss Day becomes especially hard for people in long distance relationships. Without the touch of your paramour, this day can be the loneliest, most depressing day of your life. Kiss day is one of those days when the absence of your beloved will hurt the most profoundly. The reason behind this is the fact that this is one day that everyone around you will probably be engrossed in one another and the need for someone to hold onto would be painfully obvious. Regardless of how strong your love is, staying away from your partner will hurt you, body and soul. Love’s greatest test comes in the loneliest of times, and spending Kiss day without your loved one by your side is a brutal way to test the sincerity of your affection.
Yet, there are ways to get by this day without actually being with your beloved. A phone call may seem insignificant but the mere voice of your wife or girlfriend or your husband or boyfriend is enough to make sure that you feel better. We usually do not understand the significance of a person’s voice until we are bereft of it. The emptiness in the ambience by the absence of someone special’s voice is enough to make the most tough people cry their soul out. Voices are, in fact, the fingerprint of the soul and keeping one away from this touch of the soul of their beloved is tantamount to murder. A phone call solves this problem tremendously well. And with the advent of technology, a video call too, is not out of reach of many people’s hands. This makes up for most of the distance that is present between the two lovers. Though, this does not solve the problem completely, this actually brings the two forlorn souls a lot closer than what may seem an ocean between them.
Kiss Day, therefore is simultaneously the best and the worst of the days of the Valentine’s Week. It mostly depends on the way that you spend it and also your physical situation. If your fortunate enough to spend this most remarkable day of love in your beloved’s presence, cherish it. If you are, however, unfortunate and cannot be with your paramour on this day, then make sure that you put in every human effort possible to make this special enough for the both of you and hope for better circumstances the next time. Either way, Kiss day is meant to make memories that you cherish for life. And that is what you should always aim to do. Regardless of how far you are or how close you are to your partner, always make sure that you cherish this day.