saanvi perfumers macadamia oil, 15ml | cold pressed | 100% pure and natural - 17391738 -  Standard Image - 0 saanvi perfumers macadamia oil, 15ml | cold pressed | 100% pure and natural - 17391738 -  Zoom Image - 0

saanvi perfumers macadamia oil, 15ml | cold pressed | 100% pure and natural

कृपया माप का चयन करें
कम स्टॉक अलर्ट: केवल 151 बचे हैं !
एम.आर.पी.: ₹ 299
मूल्य : ₹ 269
आप बचाते हैं : ₹ 30 (10%)
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एम.आर.पी. सभी करों को सम्मिलित करता है
आप इस उत्पाद को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं: ₹239
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11% छूट प्राप्त करें
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वितरण और वापसी
6 दिनों के भीतर वितरण की उम्मीद है।
कार्ट की समीक्षा करें
वितरित करें ******
महानगर :
3-5 कार्य दिवस
अन्य शहर :
5-7 कार्य दिवस
गति पोस्ट द्वारा केवल सेवा योग्य क्षेत्र :
15 कार्य दिवस
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benefits :
product description :
Saanvi Perfumers brings you this pure, cold-pressed macadamia nut oil that is a beauty essential because of its numerous benefits for the hair and skin. Macadamia nut oil nourishes dry hair, soothes a dry scalp and conditions hair, making them vibrant and silky. This oil is rich in essential nutrients and vitamins and helps strengthen weak, undernourished hair. It is ideal for managing frizzy hair, making them sleek and soft. Macadamia nut oil is easily absorbed and is ideal for nourishing all skin types. This oil not only moisturizes dry skin but helps regulate the secretion of the skin’s natural oils, making it ideal for oily skin as well. Also, the essential nutrients present in this oil aid in rejuvenating skin by making it supple and firm. Here is a DIY for you using nature’s absolutes macadamia nut oil daily oil cleanser in a small bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of nature’s absolutes macadamia nut oil, 1 tablespoon of nature’s absolutes argon oil. To this, add 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil. Transfer this to a dark glass bottle and shake well. Take a small amount on a cotton swab and gently rub over your face to remove makeup and grime. Follow this with your soap-based/foaming cleanser.
product volume (in ml/ gms) :
15 ml
brand name :
Saanvi Perfumers
skin type :
no. of pcs :
preference :
Paraben Free
country of origin :
formulation :
spf :
Between 15-30
special feature :
For All Application Area
color :
उत्पाद कोड :
विक्रेता विवरण
लाइमरोड इन भाषाओं में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है : English